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Thursday 12 March 2015

Medical Doctor says of son's burn “I am completely convinced that it worked... it's not even red!”

Eleven-year-old Evan got sunburned and his mom texted FireBurnDoctor within 6 hours, saying, "My son has a severe sunburn. It happened this afternoon and it got worse over the course of the evening." When the FBD team called her back 3 minutes later, Evan's mom said he had been in the sun for a few hours and didn't complain, so his burn wasn't noticed til they got back home. She said his pain level had been at 6 or 7 (on the scale of 0 to 10) before he went to bed. The next morning, 10 hours later, Evan's mom called to exclaim, "This morning, his skin looks completely normal! And there's no way it would have looked like that without your treatment. I am completely convinced that it worked, because it is not even red! At all. I'm just calling to say thank you so much." When the FBD team called her back 4 minutes later, Evan's mom added, "I'm a physician and I can say, burns are the most difficult to take care of. Evan's cousin got sunburned recently and had a huge blister and it didn't look normal for three days. This was way worse, really deep red burn, and now it doesn't even look like it was burned, not even brown. Thank you."
16 days later Evan's mom emailed her report: "I just want to thank you again for helping my son, even though his situation fell outside the parameters of what you usually do. On August 11, 2014, I called FireBurnDoctor because my son (age 11) had a severe sunburn. We had been on the beach all day, and he was not reapplying his sunscreen regularly. He doesn't normally burn very easily, so this was unexpected. Late that night after he fell asleep, I saw his back as he turned over in the bed, and I was very alarmed. He had complained some about it before he went to sleep, but I didn't realize it was that bad until I saw it. His back was a very deep dark red color, and very hot to the touch. I was worried that I may have to take him to the emergency room. Then I remembered that I had FireBurnDoctor's number in my phone, so I called. I left a message and a man called me back within just a few minutes. He was very nice and his voice was very soothing. I explained the situation, and he said that it's not something that they normally handle, for 2 reasons: (1) they don't normally treat sunburns, and (2) it had happened well over 30 minutes ago, more like 6-8 hours ago. But he said that they were willing to give it a try because my son is a child. I was grateful for this. I really had no expectation of what would happen. I do believe that energy work can be real, but I'm also skeptical, because I know that there are a lot of fakers and scam artists out there. But I figured, "what have I got to lose? It's free, if it doesn't work, I've lost nothing."
My son slept well that night, no tossing or turning as I expected. To my great delight, my son's back was completely normal the next morning. It didn't look like skin after a sunburn, it looked like skin that had never been sunburned! I got a minor sunburn myself that day, and the next day my back was still pink and tender, but my son's was not pink or red at all, and not sore either, although his sunburn was much worse than mine the day before. I have absolutely no doubt that his back would not have looked like that if we had not called FireBurnDoctor. For comparison, my son had had another sunburn in May, from staying at the pool all day the first day that it opened. He and his cousin had both been badly sunburned, his cousin had huge blisters on his shoulders. And my son did not recover from that sunburn for almost a week, he had patches of small blisters, and was extremely sore to the touch. The sunburn he had this time (in August) was much worse, and yet his recovery was complete by the next day. Thank you so much for all you do! I have already shared your number with other people and will continue to do so. I would love to get training in this technique if you do workshops."
Evan A., North Carolina, 8/11/14

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 

Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call or text immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

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