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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Gery burned her arm on the oven. She was straight on the phone to the FireBurnDoctor...

Gery called Fireburndoctor to report a burn from the oven on her right arm that had just occurred 5 minutes before. The pain was a 3 on scale of 1 to 10 and her skin was very red, but no blisters. An hour and 26 minutes after the time of burn, she called back to report that the burning was gone and the “redness was going out already.”

Gery C., Maryland

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Doughnut shop burn drama with happy ending at 4 AM!

 "My name is Howard L. and this is my experience with the Fireburn Doctor. My wife and I own a small Doughnut Shop. I work from 10PM until 6AM every day making doughnuts... On May 8, 2010 at 3:00 AM,   I was working alone making doughnuts, when I dropped a frying rack on the floor, after removing it from the Doughnut Fryer with 400 degree oil. As I bent down to pick up the Rack I slipped, and fell on the scalding hot rack severely burning the palm of my hand.

"My first reaction was to put Ice on the burn to try and relieve some of the pain. While I was standing there cursing my misfortune, I remembered hearing the Fireburndoctor spokesperson on the Coast to Coast Radio program talking about remote healing. I quickly looked up the radio program on the internet, found the burn Doctors telephone number and called the number. Keep in mind it was three o'clock in the morning. I didn't expect anyone to be available, but at this point I had nothing to lose. I called the number and left my information on the answering machine. To my complete surprise the Fireburndoctor team called me within a few minutes to discuss my injury. At that time I explained the pain was a 9 on a scale from 1 to 10. He told me to continue working, as if nothing had happened, and to call back within 30 minutes. Miraculously the pain began to subside almost immediately. When I talked to the Fireburndoctor team 30 minutes later the pain level had dropped to 2, on a scale of 1-10. Within an hour, the pain was almost completely gone. In addition the blisters started to subside, and the redness began to fade. I can not thank Dr Watson enough for providing this free service. I was so relieved that, I asked to make a donation and was told donations are not accepted.

"My only regret is not taking a picture of the burn. 1 week later there is almost no trace of the injury.

I strongly recommend keeping Dr Watson's telephone number near every phone in your home, and saved in your cell phone."    1-818-332-6445. 

Howard L., Oregon, 5/8/10

Stick the number on your cell phone (under "burns"), refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All +1-818-332-6445 Free Instant Burn Recovery! 

5 year old Larry burned his fingers while cooking hot dogs at a campfire.... Read what happened to him after his Dad called FBD

5 year old Larry burned his fingers while cooking hot dogs at a campfire. His Dad called FireBurnDoctor immediately. When the Fireburndoctor team called back, Larry's Dad said his pain level had initially been a 2 and then 12 minutes later it was a 0 and no marks remained. When his Dad asked him how his hand was, Larry had to be pulled away from playing with his buddies to answer, "It feels good."

 Larry H., California, 5/7/10

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

There's only 3 places, (out of 20!)... that I can tell I even got burned. I don't know how it works & I don't know why it works. All I know, is it DOES work.

Lee was burning garbage heavily dosed with diesel and tar, when his face got sprayed with flaming tar. He scraped the burning tar off his face, then called FireBurnDoctor within 25 minutes of the burn. He said his pain level was a 3 out of 0 to 10. Less than an hour after first calling FireBurnDoctor, Lee reported that the pain was gone and said it had actually disappeared about 10 minutes after the FireBurnDoctor Team first called him to confirm his details. He said he'd had other burns like this before, mostly on the hands, and they're still scarred, "But this burn doesn't hurt," even thought the "burn had actually taken the skin off in areas." 

Lee sent an email 2 hours later, explaining, "Shortly after 7:00 a.m., this morning, January 13, 2010, I accidentally splashed a flaming mixture of diesel fuel and tar on my face, while burning garbage. My face got peppered by 20 or so fiery black dots about the size of an eraser on a pencil. It didn't really hurt that bad until I started washing the tar off, and the skin under each dot came off, as well. I applied aloe vera to each burn and then called the FireBurnDoctor within 20 minutes of being burned. 30 mins later the pain was gone. It's been a little over 2 and half hours since I was burned & there's only 3 places, (out of 20!), on my face that I can tell even got burned. I don't know how it works & I don't know why it works. All I know, is it DOES work. Thank you."  

No pain... no scarring! 

Lee T., Wyoming
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!
Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com

2 year-old Michael's remarkable recovery thanks to Grandad who had just heard about FireBurnDoctor

2 year-old Michael burned his hand on an oven rack. His mom said his pain level was 8-10 before the call. When FireBurnDoctor team called her back, Michael's mother said the pain dropped to zero almost immediately. About 15 minutes later, she emailed to say, "I was told about this number from my father-in-law who heard it on Coast to Coast radio show. He had just mentioned the number to the father of my child when my son walked over and grabbed onto a hot wire rack from the 400 degree oven. Immediately, we put his hand under the cold water and my father-in-law told me to call the number. As I was giving the information the burn and pain level was disappearing. By the time I got a call back, seven minutes later, my son seemed as if it didn't even happen. I can't believe it. But hey. It works!!! Thank you so much and I'm going to tell as many people as I know about this."

Michael H., Ohio

Stick the number on your cell phone under "burns", on the refrigerator and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute. Tell All!

Burns from metal pipes - two stories

Roland burned his left hand on a 400 degree pipe while at work. He called FireBurnDoctor within four minutes of the burn with a pain level of 7-8 (on a scale of 0 - 10). Unable to call back until the end of his work shift, Roland left a message about 6 hours after he burned himself to say, "I'm sorry I didn't call back earlier... to update you. My hand got a lot better... a whole lot better! Thank you."

Roland B., Louisiana

Mike burned himself on a hot pipe and had an initial pain level of 8.5 (on a scale of 0 to 10). In just 5 minutes after calling FireBurnDoctor, the pain was down to a 3. In another 38 minutes, the pain was down to a two, and he added that "there's a little spot there, but it feels good. Thank you." A little later, Mike reported that the pain had disappeared entirely by morning.

Mike M., California

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com

Glassblowing Bert says "burns are part of the job but this is working real well" no pain and back to work by the heat!

Bert burned his left fingers on hot glass at work as a glassblower and called FireBurnDoctor a few minutes after the burn. His pain was a 6 or 7 on a scale of of 0 to 10. About one hour later, he reported that he was feeling much better and that the pain level was now "maybe a 2" and that he was "definitely impressed. "Thank you guys." An hour and a half later after that, Bert called again to say, "I still notice it a little bit. It's probably down to a 1 where it started out as a 6 or a 7. Feels great. I can still notice the tightness of it, but as far as the burn -- It's almost not there. Alrighty, Thank you." 

 The very next day! Bert, the glassblower, called FireBurnDoctor with a new burn, worse than before! This day the pain level was 8 on a scale of 0 to 10 and he wasted no time to call... just one minute from the time of the burn. Bert said, "Yesterday's burn is completely gone and forgotten," but that he works with hot glass and burns are part of the job. Despite having to continually put his burned hand near the heat during the work day and admitting that "it's getting abused," Bert called back 3 hours later to report that, "It is doing much, much better. It was probably at an 8 when I did it. It's probably a 2 now. It's working real well. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know. Thank you."  

Fifteen hours after the burn, Bert sent this email: "I've been a glassblower for over 30 years and after hearing the radio program, I programmed the number in my phone. After a few months I burned my left thumb and forefinger and called it in, pain was maybe a 6 or 7, overall not a bad burn so I had kind of a hard time telling if it was just natural or the burn doctor when it felt better later. But the very next day, I again burned my left thumb and forefinger, much worse this time. Pain at least an 8 with a good mark. Within 2 or 3 hours I was working without any pain at all. It is still a little sensitive but no pain. Amazing" 

Bert G., Virginia

Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445

Monday, 27 December 2010

Tanya says "I'm pretty shocked... I don't know what it is, but... it feels better..."

Tanya burned her right ringfinger tip, raising a blister and redness, with a pain level of 4. She called Fireburndoctor within 4 minutes of the burn. 35 minutes later, she reported that, "The burn on my right hand, ring finger is significantly better! I'm pretty shocked. It kinda got better, got worse, got better, got worse.  It's better!   It's like a one, and it was a four before. Hey, good luck with your program. I think this is... I don't know what it is, but... it feels better. Thank you for your help."

Tanya B., California

Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!
Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com

Burn from 200 degree wax over hand and forearm, so much better thanks to FireBurnDoctor #RUSHdoc

Lily's boyfriend called Fireburndoctor 23 minutes after Lily had poured 200 degree wax over the whole back of her hand and up the arm halfway to the elbow. The pain was an 8, with immediate blistering and bleeding where several layers of skin scraped away. An hour after calling Fireburndoctor, Lily reported that she had taken the ice off and the pain had fallen to 3-4 and the bleeding had stopped.

Lily's boyfriend emailed her report: "Hi! first let me apologize for the lateness of my reply. Thank you so much for helping. Lily is doing much better. She burned her hand and wrist by dumping 200 degree wax over it while making candles. She immediately ran cold water over it which, of course, hardened the wax effectively creating a cast, her flesh baking inside. She was in intense pain, and within minutes began blistering. She could stand the pain only by applying an ice pack. It was a little over a half hour by the time I called you. About fortyfive minutes later the pain had subsided and she could remove the ice pack. It left several small blisters, but the pain never returned. I don't know how you did it, but it didn't happen on its own, so you must be responsible!

Thank you again so much, and keep up the good work!"

Lily G., Washington

Stick the number on your cell phone under "burns", on the refrigerator and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute. Tell All!

Sunday, 26 December 2010

The boy told his dad "It feels weird."

9 year old Trailblazer II touched a hot stove-top burner with his left hand. His pain level was a five and he couldn't  take his hand out from under cold running water without it hurting a lot. Six minutes after his dad called Fireburndoctor, the boy told his dad that it didn't hurt at all and said, "It feels weird." The pain was gone and his dad said there was no more redness or any visible trace of the burn. On 12/20 Trailblazer (uncle of Trailblazer II) texted the Fireburndoctor Team to say his nephew's "results seem as though it worked.  Thank you and the whole burn results seem as though it worked.  Thank you and the whole burn team. You are doing God's work indeed."

Trailblazer II, Ohio


Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

"...the original pain level was about a 7, and it is down to about a 1 now."

Joni called Fireburndoctor immediately after burning her right hand from the steam of a boiling hot kettle. Just 52 minutes later, Joni called back to report, "...the original pain level was about a 7, and it is down to about a 1 now.  So thank you very much. I highly appreciate it. I'm able to move my hand and use it without having ice on it. Thank you so much."

Joni M., Kansas

Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com

See how PJs burn changed in just 34 minutes!

PJ called Fireburndoctor within two minutes of burning her left ring fingertip on a hot pan, reporting a pain level of 3. Thirtyfour minutes after calling Fireburndoctor, she wrote, "I burned the tip of my ring finger on a skillet, wiping the pan after pouring off bacon grease, I touched my finger to the pan.  When I was on my computer going to your website, it hurt to type with that finger.  Now, I cannot feel any discomfort at all.  I even ran my fingernail across the burned area to see if there was any pain and there was none.  There is no visible sign of a burn. Amazing!  Thank you.

PJ, Colorado

Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com  

Joe put out a fire in a commercial ashtray at work, pain to zero and blisters decreased in size after calling FBD

"Fire Burn Doctor Team: On 11/27, at about 10:45 pm, I experienced a burn. At work I needed to extinguish a fire that was starting inside an outside, commercial ashtray. In doing so, I incurred second degree burns on 2 fingers and the thumb of my left hand. After my initial reactions and running my burns under cold water, I remembered the Fire Burn Doctor and found the phone number on the internet. Within 30 minutes of the burn, I called and left a message describing my condition. After a member of the team returned my call and a few more calls, my blisters decreased by about 40% and the redness subsided almost to none.  At our last phone call at 1:30 am, my pain was reduced to none and virtually no swelling.  The next morning, I reported the same results. I still have blisters which are now numb, but there is no swelling on my fingers or in my blisters. Thanks for everyone's help!” The next morning, Joe called to say: “I sat up and I don't really have a lot of pain anymore. I still see the blisters, but they're not very swollen. I can't feel on top of the blisters. I don't see any redness. That's it.”

Joe M., Idaho, 11/27/09

It is important it is to just go about your normal activities after you call the FireBurnDoctor or take your mind off the burn as best you can. And the sooner you call after the burn happens the better. Rush when you burn yourself... rush! 1-818-332-6445 Calls take just a minute. 250 cases now from 41 states and 23 countries. 

Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. No pain, no scarring, no cost, no risk. This FREE remote intervention is in addition to the standard medical treatments.

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com

Tell those people that are nonbelievers of what relief I had!

This is one of 250+ cases now! Read some of the many pages of reports on the website. 

Pat called Fireburndoctor to say her burn had, “taken the skin right off the side of my hand” just about 17 minutes earlier.  23 minutes after her first call, she called back to report to the Fireburndoctor: "This is Pat... I promised to call you back in an hour after I was burned, and my skin is much better. I truly appreciate it, and I intend to call it in to Coast to Coast and tell those people that are nonbelievers of what relief I had! Thank you!" 

Pat M., Oregon


Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Tina burned while cooking spaghetti sauce is glad her son heard a FireBurnDoctor radio show...

Fortunately Tina's son had heard about FireBurnDoctor on a radio show and told his mom to call, which she did. When the FBD team called her back, Tina reported a pain level of 8-9 (on a scale of 0 to 10) and agreed to call back with results. A half hour later, Tina called to say that, "the burn is, like, going away. It's at maybe a 1... and that's when I bend my finger. And it's not swelling up anymore. And, anyway, I think it's doing really good. So, it burned really good... Anyway, I can tell it's getting better...it's not really bothering me. Thank you." 

Later, Tina texted her report:  "I burned my middle finger while cooking spaghetti sauce. I called the fireburn number and within an hour I barely felt the pain. To tell the truth by time i went to bed I forgot i got burned. The next day i only remembered i got burned when i washed my hands the first couple times... I have forgotten about getting burned - no pain." And added,  It healed right up and there's just a little mark left, just enough to know that something happened. Usually burns hurt for a long time. Especially when putting the hand in warm water.

 Tina D., South Carolina, 11/9/10


Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Friday, 24 December 2010

Burn to wrist - no blister and from painful to no pain in less than 30 minutes.

Lori called Fireburndoctor within a couple minutes after pouring "hot water hit my wrist, real bad." Her pain level was a 6 or 7 across a 3 to 4 inch burn. She called back 30 minutes later to say, "It's been half an hour since you started working on my hand. The pain is gone... or on my wrist.. The pain is gone. The wrist is red and the skin is a little bit tight. It look's like it's getting lighter by the minute, and the pain is completely gone. Thank you... Thank you."

Lori F., Louisiana

240 Instant Burn Recovery cases from 41 US states and 23 countries worldwide. All with the same results: Pain gone in minutes, rapidly accelerated healing of skin, often all trace gone in minutes. No grafting, no scarring, no risk and no cost. Just call on the way to the ER. Then watch (or videotape) what happens!  No one has to suffer the effects of burns: Mothers, babies, children of all ages, soldiers and civilians in war zones, firemen, workers. Proven remote intervention... for FREE. 

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com


Thursday, 23 December 2010

This wont happen to Santa as he dives down your chimney - but thats Santa! Keep the number safe...

Sam's story is a great example of how important it is to just go about your normal activities after you call the FireBurnDoctor when you burn yourself!

Sam writes: "I burned my neck and face lighting a fire in my fire place. At the time I had about 10 inches of beard hanging down which caught on fire, I had no idea until the pain tore into me. It was a decent burn, instantly super red. My wife went to look for the burn spray when I said, 'Hey let's call the fire burn doctor & see if it really works," which we did. Good thing too because we couldn't find the burn spray. I called, left the information asked of me and waited. By the time the fire burn doctor called me back my pain had gone from a 6 or so [on a scale of 0 to 10] to a 3. But I just thought it was because time had passed. The doctor verified my info and told me to go about my daily routine just like I normally do & call back in half an hour. Well I kinda did what I normally do except for the fact that I was watching the clock for the 30 minute mark waiting for my pain to go away. At the 30 minute mark I called them back and left negative feedback. I really wanted it to work too. At that point, I kinda just threw it out of my mind and filed it away as another let down. About 10 minutes after I put it out of my mind and went about my normal routine (like the doctor had said) my pain was completely gone, the redness went away it was like the burn never happened. So I am here now to withdraw my negative feedback for 100% positive feed back. Thanks."

Sam also left a voice mail to explain further, "I'm a dad, with several kids, one especially is rambunctious, so I was very interested in seeing this work. Was disappointed when there was no change at half hour and left that voice mail, but I had been focusing on it, even though you told me to do my normal activities. After leaving the voice mail, I did do other things, getting ready for work, and within 10 minutes it was all gone.... pain, redness, everything.... Everyone in the family has the number in their phones, and I'm telling people.... You guys are amazing. I appreciate it. Thank you."
Sam F., Kansas, 11/10/10

Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), refrigerator door and in your car, everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com

Amy's amazing story "sat down, looked at the clock and it was over"

Amy burned her fingers while making home-made dog food. When her fingers started to blister, she remembered hearing about the FireBurnDoctor and called the number, leaving her information.  By the time the FireBurnDoctor team called her back a few minutes later, Amy told her extremely surprising story: After making the phone call, she thought to herself, "I'm open to the possibilities." Then she "sat down, looked at the clock and it was over." Her pain went from a 6 (on a scale of 0 to 10) to zero in 4 minutes, no blister, no pain, no redness, gone!!! 

Just 38 minutes from the time of the burn, Amy emailed her report, "Hello, I was making homemade dog food today and I stupidly stuck my hand in a pot of hot cooked vegetables that I thought had cooled. I had a small but painful burn on the tip of my 3rd finger that quickly blistered and ice was not keeping the pain away. I remembered the burn doctor but I hesitated to call, thinking it was not so bad. However, the more I thought about it (and the pain continued), I thought why not call. I did, and within 4 minutes of the phone call the pain instantly stopped. I looked at my hand and the blister was gone as well. There is no redness or any indication that I was burned at all. I don't know how it works, and I guess I don't need to know, all I know is that it worked for me. Thank you so much. I will indeed spread the word." 

Amy T, Virginia, 10/26/10

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Grateful Gwen's blister bypassed!

Gwen burned her arm while baking and called the FireBurnDoctor phone number about 20 minutes later with a pain level of about a 6 or 7 (on a scale of 0 to 10). She said she had burned her right arm, which at first was a little thing, but was now a big thing that hurt and looked like it was going to blister.  About 30 minutes later, Gwen called back to say, "My pain level has gone down to about a 1 or zero. There was going to be a blister. There's no longer a blister coming up. The redness is gone down a lot. There's almost nothing there. I wanted to thank you very much. Bye." 

When Gwen sent her email report the next day, she explained: "I burned my right forearm on a hot oven dish edge (350*) about 2 inches long, 1/4 inch wide. At first the pain was only a 2 so I was not going to bother anyone. Then after 20 minutes it was a 6 or 7 so I called the Fireburndoctor. 15 minutes after, the pain was back down to a 2. Thirty minutes after that there was no pain at all.
The following day, the burned line looked just flat and brown, no reddening and old looking, still no pain. Thank you very much!"
Gwen M., California, 10/24/10


Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Tammy forgets painful burn from toaster then "flabbergasted" after making that call.

·         Tammy called the FireBurnDoctor number within 5 minutes of burning her hand on a hot, metal toaster oven.  She said her pain level before the call had been an 8 (on a scale of 0 to 10) and agreed to call back in half and hour or so with feedback on the results. She had heard about FireBurnDoctor from her mother who had heard about it on the Jeff Rense show. But Tammy didn't call back until two days later, when she explained: "I had called on Wednesday about a burn on my hand. And I meant to call back yesterday. I'm just calling to let you know that yesterday I had completely forgotten that I had a burn on my hand. There's essentially no markings except for slightly shinier skin on my left hand where it occurred. And, yeah, I just wanted to say that I was extremely pleased and flabbergasted that this...seemed to work.
Tammy C., Illinois, 10/20/10 

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com - www.fireburndoctor.com 

"The Burn Doctor's process worked amazingly fast" says Henry - Power Worker

Henry was at work at a power company, testing a burner with an open flame, when the flame brushed the right side of his face and burned him near the mouth. Luckily, he'd heard of the FireBurnDoctor through the Jeff Rense radio show and knew to make the call, which he did within a couple minutes. Henry said it felt like it was going to blister and the pain level was about a 5 (on the scale of 0 to 10). When Henry called back to report, he explained, "I called about a half hour ago and was asked to call back, and things are much better. I mean, definitely there's something going on... Thanks very much." Then again, an hour and a half after the burn, Henry called to say, "almost as if it never happened;" "absolutely amazing;" "can't thank you enough;" "was going to blister, just amazing, thank you doctor;" "How can I contribute?" and "people need to know about this.

Later Henry emailed FireBurnDoctor: "Dear FireBurnDoctor team, Within two minutes of burning the skin near my cheek to the right side of my mouth I called the you at the 818-332-6445 number and was immediately called back. The flame from an open torch had just grazed my face very briefly but I could feel the pain growing and was wondering if it would blister. While I was leaving my details in a message I could feel the pain continuing to increase. I would say it went from a zero to a 3 or 4 while leaving the message. By the time I was called back it was pushing 4 or 5, but that was as bad as it ever got. I was asked to call back in 30 minutes and by that time it was almost as if it never happened. No blistering, no swelling or anything. Absolutely amazing. This was my first time calling for help and I was not in an area where I could get ice or cold water on it quickly.  As it turned out I didn't end up putting anything, no ice or cold water, on it. The Burn Doctor's process worked amazingly fast, Thank You FBD!!!! Yes, I will pass the word around and already have!!!"

Henry G., Washington, 10/19/10

www.fireburndoctor.com  with the Award-Winning RUSH Documentary!

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Greg, Fitness Expert and Thanksgiving story from last year experiences his second Instant Recovery from Burn

One of 240 cases now! 13 pages of reports on www.fireburndoctor.com

Greg burned his fingers on a 350 degree bowl taken straight out of the oven and called Fireburndoctor within one minute! When the Fireburndoctor team called him back 9 minutes later, Greg reported that the pain had been an 8 (on a scale of 0 to 10) and was already down to a 3. He said his wife is a witness. About an hour later, Greg called again and left a message: "I called earlier at about 9:12 and reported a burn on my two fingers next to my thumb at 350 degrees, and I'm calling back to report that my pain level is at zero....  And I thank you for your service. Thank you so much. It's now 10:06 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time. Thank you so much. Thank you."

Three days later, Greg emailed to add: “After calling the Fire burn Doctor on Wed. April 7th, ... I put an ice cube between my fingers because the pain was extreme, anyone knows that a 350 degree convection oven is very hot and inflicts a serious burn instantly. As the ice cube was melting down it got messy so I threw it away. The Fire burn Doctor called me back and... I said [my pain level was] about a 2 or 3 [when it had been] about an 8. The amazing thing is... I wasn't focused on the burn, and you know when you get burned that's all you can think about. [I called Fireburndoctor back] more like 50 minutes later where my pain was at zero! I am a personal fitness trainer full time, and a blister between my fingers would be very difficult to train my clients, not to mention the risk of infection in a gym. This has proved to me that without a doubt this wasn't a coincidence but rather a divine intervention that healed me.

Greg T., Ohio, 4/7/10 


Nice try Greg! It is a science (of the unconscious) which in a fireburn injury scenario, immediately provokes a neuro-bypass that keeps our brain from sending the wrong message to our defense and immune systems. It has to be done in the first half an hour after the burn so keep the number on your cell phone under "burns" so it is easy to find in an emergency, and on your refrigerator door... If anyone is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Tell all to do the same.

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com -  


Happy Independence. Sam's burn from firework erased!

Sam was burned at the Fourth of July fireworks at 9:50 pm. Despite a pain level of 4-5 (on a scale of zero to 10) more than an hour later, Sam didn't want to bother anyone with his problem, and didn't tell the family he was visiting. When his friends finally learned Sam had been burned, they immediately called FireBurnDoctor, having previously experienced themselves a remarkable burn recovery some months before. As a result, almost two hours after the burn, Sam was fortunate to report his pain level was a zero. His knowing host left a message for the Fireburndoctor team saying, "Everything's fine. You guys can go to bed now. Thank you!
(Just a reminder... the Fireburndoctor team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So call in your burn cases anytime, from ANYWHERE in the world. 1-818-332-6445)

 Sam C., Washington,  7/4/10

RUSH: Award-Winning Movie, Extraordinary REMOTE DOING -- Trailer -- Interview with the BurnDoctor

PSproof.com FireBurnDoctor.com

Free Instant Burn Recovery +1-818-332-6445
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

"Hey, this works! You need to report about FireBurnDoctor results so more people can be helped!" Leonard, Pensylvania

Leonard was making pizza in the early evening when he reached into the oven touching the hot stove with his left thumb. His pain was a 6 to 6.5 (on the scale of 0 to 10). After half an hour, the cold water had only reduced his pain to a 5, so Leonard called the FireBurnDoctor just in time with his details.
  • Later, he called to report: "I was told to call back in a half an hour. The pain is pretty much gone. And it's not as red as it was before. So I guess I'd call that a change of the pain level for sure. It looks better, so I appreciate it, and thank you. I will recommend you to other people. Bye bye." Not only that, but Leonard is now eager to participate in the next Jeff Rense show where he first heard about the FireBurnDoctor service and also to share his story with the media in his own home town: "Hey, this works! You need to report about FireBurnDoctor results so more people can be helped!"
Leonard D., Pennsylvania, 10/7/10


Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com

Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

Metal Workers! Nathan's burn to hand gone in an hour

Nathan burned his hand on a hot pipe and called the FireBurnDoctor within 2 minutes. He described his pain as a 5 or 6 (on a scale of zero to 10). An hour and a half after that, he told the Fireburndoctor team that, "It just kinda tickles. Thank you!  I've told a few people about this already. I'll tell everyone. Thank you. How do you do it? Is it mental telepathy?"  A while later, Nathan emailed his testimony to FBD: "I burnt my right hand on a hot pipe I was grinding. I phoned you people and within an hour the pain was gone and the blister disappeared, good work. Much appreciated."

Nathan S., Vancouver BC, 4/24/10

FREE Instant Burn Recovery 1-818-332-6445 - immediate results. Pain gone in minutes, burn gone in hours. Already there are 240 cases reported from 41 States of America, and 23 Countries worldwide !! 13 pages of reports www.fireburndoctor.com

Birthday Suprise of Instant Burn Recovery for Richard

Eight-year-old Richard was a lucky kid on his birthday. One of his party guests had the Fireburndoctor number programmed into her phone, so when he was burned by a sparkler falling on his hand, putting him "in hysterics" and leaving red skin, someone called Fireburndoctor within 3 minutes. By the time the Fireburndoctor team called back 7 minutes later for feedback, Richard was already back in the pool with no pain or marks. The report: There was "no sign at all that the hand had been burned."

Richard P., California,  6/5/10

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Call, text or email within the first 30 minutes when anyone is burned. www.fireburndoctor.com


FireBurnDoctor cases are ongoing and currently at 240 cases in 41 states and 23 countries

All with the same success rate as Chris Fleming. This is still a tiny number, however, compared to the many thousands suffering the effects from burns everyday. With the tragic burn victims in Washington, the Gulf, Iraq, the Congo and most recently in Israel, it's urgent that we get the story out.
The police chief could have done it, the firefighters could have done it, a reporter could have done it, a mother could have done it... It's so easy just to call within the first few minutes -- +1-818-332-6445 -- and save so much unnecessary suffering. What a different story to report. Tell All!