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Thursday, 23 December 2010

Tammy forgets painful burn from toaster then "flabbergasted" after making that call.

·         Tammy called the FireBurnDoctor number within 5 minutes of burning her hand on a hot, metal toaster oven.  She said her pain level before the call had been an 8 (on a scale of 0 to 10) and agreed to call back in half and hour or so with feedback on the results. She had heard about FireBurnDoctor from her mother who had heard about it on the Jeff Rense show. But Tammy didn't call back until two days later, when she explained: "I had called on Wednesday about a burn on my hand. And I meant to call back yesterday. I'm just calling to let you know that yesterday I had completely forgotten that I had a burn on my hand. There's essentially no markings except for slightly shinier skin on my left hand where it occurred. And, yeah, I just wanted to say that I was extremely pleased and flabbergasted that this...seemed to work.
Tammy C., Illinois, 10/20/10 

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com - www.fireburndoctor.com 

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