9 year old Trailblazer II touched a hot stove-top burner with his left hand. His pain level was a five and he couldn't take his hand out from under cold running water without it hurting a lot. Six minutes after his dad called Fireburndoctor, the boy told his dad that it didn't hurt at all and said, "It feels weird." The pain was gone and his dad said there was no more redness or any visible trace of the burn. On 12/20 Trailblazer (uncle of Trailblazer II) texted the Fireburndoctor Team to say his nephew's "results seem as though it worked. Thank you and the whole burn results seem as though it worked. Thank you and the whole burn team. You are doing God's work indeed."
Trailblazer II, Ohio
Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute. Tell All!
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