Henry was at work at a power company, testing a burner with an open flame, when the flame brushed the right side of his face and burned him near the mouth. Luckily, he'd heard of the FireBurnDoctor through the Jeff Rense radio show and knew to make the call, which he did within a couple minutes. Henry said it felt like it was going to blister and the pain level was about a 5 (on the scale of 0 to 10). When Henry called back to report, he explained, "I called about a half hour ago and was asked to call back, and things are much better. I mean, definitely there's something going on... Thanks very much." Then again, an hour and a half after the burn, Henry called to say, "almost as if it never happened;" "absolutely amazing;" "can't thank you enough;" "was going to blister, just amazing, thank you doctor;" "How can I contribute?" and "people need to know about this."
Later Henry emailed FireBurnDoctor: "Dear FireBurnDoctor team, Within two minutes of burning the skin near my cheek to the right side of my mouth I called the you at the 818-332-6445 number and was immediately called back. The flame from an open torch had just grazed my face very briefly but I could feel the pain growing and was wondering if it would blister. While I was leaving my details in a message I could feel the pain continuing to increase. I would say it went from a zero to a 3 or 4 while leaving the message. By the time I was called back it was pushing 4 or 5, but that was as bad as it ever got. I was asked to call back in 30 minutes and by that time it was almost as if it never happened. No blistering, no swelling or anything. Absolutely amazing. This was my first time calling for help and I was not in an area where I could get ice or cold water on it quickly. As it turned out I didn't end up putting anything, no ice or cold water, on it. The Burn Doctor's process worked amazingly fast, Thank You FBD!!!! Yes, I will pass the word around and already have!!!"
www.fireburndoctor.com with the Award-Winning RUSH Documentary!
Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute. Tell All!
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