Good News!
And now we have a Real Hero on the team!!!
While walking around the Cannes Film Festival,
filmmaker Jane Clements (JC), executive producer
of RUSH, spotted Viggo
Mortensen (Aragorn!) walking down some stairs
surrounded by entourage, fans and rolling press
With FireBurnDoctor stickers in hand, JC strode
directly into the group right up to Viggo saying,
"Please allow me to give you these - they
are saving lives."
Viggo looked, took the stickers from JC, and
started handing them out, telling the people,
"They're saving lives everyone... here you go take this!"

“This simple act by Viggo was very heroic,” says JC. It was
like time stood still…
I just stared at him, smiling, holding a RUSH card for the cameras. Then I started
to do what he was doing,
handing out stickers to all the people, until everyone present had
received one.
It was brilliant! Then Viggo got into his car and they drove away.
A Knight in Shining Armor in real life too!”
FireBurnDoctor, Philip Savage’s Global Burn Eradication team is on
standby 24/7 to treat burn cases
worldwide as a FREE public experiment within the first minutes of
injury. So far there are over 1,415 burn
cases from 58 countries, All
with the same results: Pain gone in minutes, burn erased in hours.
The burns are treated remotely with Distant Subliminal Neuro
Bypass (DSNB) and the
Burn Recoveries” are documented on
What makes Viggo's act heroic? The horrible pain and suffering
from burns can be stopped
in its tracks and
lives saved with a single and quick phone call to the FireBurnDoctor.
Like a true intelligent and courageous knight, Viggo got the idea
immediately and
knew why JC had passed him several stickers, not just one!
Make sure
your friends and family have the FBD number in their cell phones +1-818-332-6445, under
Save the
number, save a life! See it work like these people did:
"Henry's dad called in shock to say that his toddler woke up
and wanted to play an hour after his burn...
then asked, "Is that normal for someone you guys have
helped?" Henry L., Wisconsin, 9/21/11
"No pain... No blister... What is it you guys do?... So much
better than I expected!" Victor S.,
Colorado, 1/11/12
"A real miracle, we were stopped in our
tracks! A free awesome service, bless all those involved." Kathy,
You can
watch the video clip with JC and Viggo here! (courtesy
M6 TV Paris). And be a real life hero too.
and call
immediately within the first 30 minutes when anyone is burned.
"There's no pain... I'm absolutely
amazed!" Maria A., California, 9/6/10
All of Philip Savage's Eco-Humanitarian Projects use
his unique, advanced Subliminal
Influence Technology, designed to save the earth, rescue
the children
and ensure the survival of the human species.
"There is no time anymore for messages. What it’s time for,
right now, is proofs.... Cells burned by a laser in the
nucleus, we take half of those cells, working in triple blind
system – all of the cells I’m taking care of don’t die –
all the cells I’m not taking care of, of course die. We can go
even further, that can be done from a distance,
simultaneously, on several samples of cells. And, then, we can go
even further in absolute heterodox
experiment... It is for me to teach anyone... We take kids,
south central America, in the Bronx, pushing drugs,
the dregs of your own society, the hopeless. Let me spend
half an hour with six of them and I will guarantee that
half an hour later they will make exactly the same experiment with
the same rate of success I have done myself,
I have just unfrozen your
own powers that exist within everyone. They just happen to have been unfrozen
time, awakened... and nothing else. I have the key, I can
pass it to you." Dr. Philip Savage, Ph.D.
To contact FireBurnDoctor Philip Savage: +1 760 415 4550
IMAGO: Bio Evolutionary leap to True Humanity
The Most Amazing Cosmic Project in All Human History
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