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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Shingles: Itching and pain gone in minutes

Kelly woke up with shingles symptoms, recognized from prior outbreaks, and called FireBurnDoctor shortly after that. When the FBD team called her back, 8 minutes later, Kelly said her pain level was 5 or 6 and her itching level was 6 or 7 (on the scale of 0 to 10) when she first called, and both had already dropped to 2 for pain and 0 itching, adding that it was red on her ribcage and she felt feverish. With pain and itching reduced so quickly, Kelly commented, "This is just phenomenal. What you guys do is wonderful. Thank you." Two hours later, Kelly called to say, "It's been 2 hours. I don't feel any pain or itching, and the redness is pretty much gone. I found a phone I can take a picture with, but there's not really much to see now. Thank you so much. Thank you so much."
Three hours later Kelly emailed her report: "I want to share my current experience with FBD. I woke up this morning with a beginning rash of Shingles. I have had it before so I know the signs very well. It was itchy and red so I put some Neem Oil on it, which calmed it down a bit. I then came into my office on an unrelated matter, and amazingly instantly happened across the FBD number! I had totally forgotten that they can help with Shingles. I called immediately at 10:13 AM. By the time I called them back at 12:13 PM, to report in, the itching and pain were completely gone. I am not surprised that FBD helped with this, because I have had a previous experience with FBD in regard to a burn and found it nothing less than miraculous. I'm amazed the whole world does not know about this wonderful work going on. I will do my best to spread the word."
                                                                                                        Kelly P., 7/5/15, Mexico

Interview with FireBurnDoctor, Dr. Philip Savage

Global Free Instant Burn and Shingles Recovery +1-818-332-6445 FireBurnDoctor.com 

FBD Shingles Protocol   Video: Shingles - Instant Recovery - Double Blind test of Dr Philip Savage's SDI

RUSH Log line: All true events, RUSH tells the story of a breakthrough health, life and earth-saving technology, abilities that we have now. If you can dream it, you can do it.  

www.FireBurnDoctor.com                          www.PSproof.com

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