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Sunday, 1 November 2015

Science or Magic? Does it matter? No placebo possible with this one!

My son joked it was voodoo magic, and I reminded him that as Arthur C. Clarke stated, 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic'. 

Anita burned her hand taking a very hot pan from the oven. When she immediately put her hand in ice water,her daughter-in-law called the FirBurnDoctor for help. When the FBD team called them back 3 minutes later, Anita pulled her hand from the ice water saying it didn't hurt anymore and her daughter-in-law exclaimed, "now gone, already gone, you're fast. She says it was a 5 (on the scale of 0 to 10) before, but I think it was more than that. I'm going to tell everyone about this!"
The next morning Anita's daughter-in-law emailed her report: "May 10, 2012, upon arriving home, my mother-in-law told me she had just burned her right hand on a pan she was removing from the oven. I immediately dialed the phone number I had stored in my phone. I left her name, date of birth, and birth place, along with my cell phone number as instructed per the recording. A few minutes passed and I received a phone call. The caller identified himself as a clerk with the Burn Doctor and asked that I repeat the info I had left. He then asked on a level of 0-10 how would she describe her pain. She replied, "oh no, I don't have any pain now, it’s gone." She had no idea what I had done or why it was gone. It was a minor burn but one that would have normally hindered her for days. She was amazed, my husband was skeptical, and I was so excited to tell everyone I could about the success of this technology. My son joked it was voodoo magic, and I reminded him that as Arthur C. Clarke stated, 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic'. Thank you. Love & Gratitude...."
Anita D., Morocco, 5/10/12

Free Instant Burn Recovery +1-818-332-6445 FireBurnDoctor.com


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