More happy news! My screenplay was officially selected for the Monaco International Film Festival (MIFF) 2015! I'm ecstatic and am, again, on my way to the Angel Film Awards,
the world's only high profile film festival that features non-violent movies...
held in Monaco, where definitely, as they say, "we are not hippies!"
Click the link above, and if you have facebook, kindly "LIKE" it whilst you're there. Thank you!
Marche Internationale de Programmes Communications
In October, the FBD team went to MIPCOM, "The World's Entertainment Market" in Cannes, a huge international television trade-show / convention, with 2,000 exhibitors and 14,000 participants.
We had a FireBurnDoctor booth and promoted our award-winning documentary RUSH, to all the
delegates and speakers, including the brilliant Chris Carter, writer and producer of the X-Files.
Remember to watch RUSH and spread the word!
My goal now is to STOP the horrible suffering and lifelong damage caused by burns by
getting the Amazing FireBurnDoctor story on TV. We can do it. We have the PROOF.
Who do you know in TV, local or global... TV executives, producers, anyone?
Just forward this email. TV knows what to do with a ratings-busting story.
Peace and Love,
Jane Clements, filmmaker / producer
+1-818-744-6138 (US mobile)
Skype: FBDfilms