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Friday, 27 November 2015



More happy news! My screenplay was officially selected for the Monaco International Film Festival (MIFF) 2015! I'm ecstatic and am, again, on my way to the Angel Film Awards, 
the world's only high profile film festival that features non-violent movies...
held in Monaco, where definitely, as they say, "we are not hippies!"


Click the link above, and if you have facebook, kindly "LIKE" it whilst you're there. Thank you!

Marche Internationale de Programmes Communications
In October, the FBD team went to MIPCOM, "The World's Entertainment Market" in Cannes, a huge international television trade-show / convention, with 2,000 exhibitors and 14,000 participants. 
We had a FireBurnDoctor booth and promoted our award-winning documentary RUSH, to all the 
delegates and speakers, including the brilliant Chris Carter, writer and producer of the X-Files. 
Remember to watch RUSH and spread the word! 

RUSH - The Documentary - shocking, extraordinary REMOTE DOING


My goal now is to STOP the horrible suffering and lifelong damage caused by burns by 
getting the Amazing FireBurnDoctor story on TV. We can do it. We have the PROOF. 
Who do you know in TV, local or global... TV executives, producers, anyone? 
Just forward this email. TV knows what to do with a ratings-busting story.

FBD team and MIPCOM organizer at the FBD booth.

Peace and Love,

Jane Clements, filmmaker / producer
+1-818-744-6138 (US mobile)
Skype: FBDfilms  janeclem9@aol.com

RUSH - The Documentary  - shocking, extraordinary REMOTE DOING

Free Remote Intervention for Burns Worldwide  +1-818-332-6445  FireBurnDoctor.com

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Mel reports pain "increasing and ferocious" to "zero" in 5 minutes of calling.

Melanie picked up the wrong end of a curling iron. She remembered hearing about the FireBurnDoctor on the radio and called within 15 minutes of the burn. In her voice message, she described the pain as being 7-8 (on a scale of 0 to 10) and that it was "increasing and ferocious." When the FBD team called her back 5 minutes later, Melanie was laughing! She explained, "I'm laughing because the pain's already gone, there's zero pain."  A few hours later, Melanie wrote: "... I very much appreciate your help. It works! Thanks!"

Melanie S., Texas, 9/13/10

Free Instant Burn Recovery    +1-818-332-6445   www.FireBurnDoctor.com

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Science or Magic? Does it matter? No placebo possible with this one!

My son joked it was voodoo magic, and I reminded him that as Arthur C. Clarke stated, 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic'. 

Anita burned her hand taking a very hot pan from the oven. When she immediately put her hand in ice water,her daughter-in-law called the FirBurnDoctor for help. When the FBD team called them back 3 minutes later, Anita pulled her hand from the ice water saying it didn't hurt anymore and her daughter-in-law exclaimed, "now gone, already gone, you're fast. She says it was a 5 (on the scale of 0 to 10) before, but I think it was more than that. I'm going to tell everyone about this!"
The next morning Anita's daughter-in-law emailed her report: "May 10, 2012, upon arriving home, my mother-in-law told me she had just burned her right hand on a pan she was removing from the oven. I immediately dialed the phone number I had stored in my phone. I left her name, date of birth, and birth place, along with my cell phone number as instructed per the recording. A few minutes passed and I received a phone call. The caller identified himself as a clerk with the Burn Doctor and asked that I repeat the info I had left. He then asked on a level of 0-10 how would she describe her pain. She replied, "oh no, I don't have any pain now, it’s gone." She had no idea what I had done or why it was gone. It was a minor burn but one that would have normally hindered her for days. She was amazed, my husband was skeptical, and I was so excited to tell everyone I could about the success of this technology. My son joked it was voodoo magic, and I reminded him that as Arthur C. Clarke stated, 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic'. Thank you. Love & Gratitude...."
Anita D., Morocco, 5/10/12

Free Instant Burn Recovery +1-818-332-6445 FireBurnDoctor.com