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Saturday, 31 October 2015

Saved payday for Greg, personal fitness trainer

At 9:10 p.m., Eastern time, Greg burned his fingers on a 350 degree bowl taken straight out of the oven and called Fireburndoctor within one minute! When the Fireburndoctor team called him back 9 minutes later, Greg reported that the pain had been an 8 (on a scale of 0 to 10) and was already down to a 3. He said his wife is a witness. About an hour later, Greg called again and left a message: "I called earlier at about 9:12 and reported a burn on my two fingers next to my thumb at 350 degrees, and I'm calling back to report that my pain level is at zero....  And I thank you for your service. Thank you so much. It's now 10:06 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time. Thank you so much. Thank you."  
Three days later, Greg emailed to add: “After calling the Fire burn Doctor on Wed. April 7th, ... I put an ice cube between my fingers because the pain was extreme, anyone knows that a 350 degree convection oven is very hot and inflicts a serious burn instantly. As the ice cube was melting down it got messy so I threw it away. The Fire burn Doctor called me back and... I said [my pain level was] about a 2 or 3 [when it had been] about an 8. The amazing thing is... I wasn't focused on the burnand you know when you get burned that's all you can think about. [I called Fireburndoctor back] more like 50 minutes later where my pain was at zero! I am a personal fitness trainer full time, and a blister between my fingers would be very difficult to train my clients, not to mention the risk of infection in a gym. This has proved to me that without a doubt this wasn't a coincidence but rather a divine intervention that healed me.
Greg T., Ohio, 4/7/10 

Watch: RUSH, Trailer, Interview. Free Instant Burn Recovery +1-818-332-6445 FireBurnDoctor.com

Friday, 30 October 2015

"It's a bad one", to zero pain "even under pressure...tattoos unharmed!"

FIRE!  Sam was refilling his lighter when somehow it caught on fire and exploded burning fuel onto his hand!  When he called FBD to give his details and ask for help, Sam added, "It's, it's a bad one." Four minutes later, the FBD team called him back and Sam said his pain level was a 9 to 10 (on the scale of 0 to 10) and that his skin was "white and falling off." An hour later, Sam called to report that, "The burn hasn't completely gone away, but it is gone down. My hand is swollen... I've gone about my business. Completely forgot about it a couple, few times. It's a good one. My pain level is reduced probably to about a 3 or 4 right now. And I'm not looking at any, like, skin falling off or anything like I thought it was going to be, because when my hand caught fire, I had to close the lighter before I could do anything, and I was on fire for quite a length of time. Anyway, that's the update. Thank you."

Two days later, the FBD team called Sam for a follow up report and found out that he was "doing great." Sam said that actually his hand had been swollen and white because he had to extinguish the lighter before putting out his hand -- maybe 30 seconds of sustained flame on his hand. He said the pain went to zero in several hours, even under pressure... and that even his tattoos were unharmed.  Otherwise, he said he would definitely have been in the emergency room.
Samuel F., Nevada, 7/28/11

Watch: RUSH, Trailer, Interview. Free Instant Burn Recovery +1-818-332-6445 FireBurnDoctor.com

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Finger burned in oven, pain of 9 at 10 mins. Bending finger, pain near-zero in 15 mins!

Abraham burned his finger on the inside of the oven and called the FireBurnDoctor number about 7 minutes later with a pain level of 9 (on the scale of 0 to 10) He had heard about FBD on the radio and had stored the number in his cell phone. Now he thought, "I'll just give this a try and see how it works."Just 8 minutes after that, when the FBD team called him back, he said his pain level was "now 4-5, maybe less than that, it's decreasing, now it's a 3." At 51 minutes from the time of the burn, Abraham reported that his pain level was "below a 1, not discernable, zero, pretty amazing."

Five days later, Abraham emailed his report: "Greetings:  On or about Thursday, September 29, 2011 at approximately 5:21 PM, I was reaching into the oven and accidentally touched one of the oven racks with my left index finger. I called the Burn Doctor within about 10 minutes and reported the burn. A blister had already formed. I received a call-back within another 5-10 minutes. By that time, the burning pain had already dissipated by 90%. The burn is in the bend of the first joint of my finger so would normally be aggravated by bending my finger right where the blister exists. When asked about the pain level, I was surprised that the pain had already subsided and even bent my finger several times to see if this caused any pain. It did not.... In summary: The pain subsided within minutes of my reporting the burn and was down to a level of near-zero by the time I received the call-back about 15 minutes after my initial report."...
Abraham L, Hawaii

BURN ERADICATION PROJECT:  "Rush when you burn yourself... RUSH!" 

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