Then, three days later, on December 16, 2010, Ruth burned her fingers again with the glue gun. This time her pain level was a 6 (on a scale of 0 – 10)
The next day, Ruth emailed her report: "Last night around 9 pm, I got burned with a hot glue gun, and it was extremely painful, almost to the point where ice barely helps. I called the FireBurnDoctor, and after taking the ice off of my hand, within about 10-15 minutes the pain was completely gone. It was truly incredible, and I slept like a baby. I'm urging all my friends and family to let the BurnDoctor heal any burn anytime!"
Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 -
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call or text immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute. Tell all!
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