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Friday, 25 February 2011

Twice burned with the gluegun, the second time worse than the first. Pain gone 10-15 minutes!

On December 13, 2010, Ruth was engrossed in her art project when hot glue from the glue gun oozed onto her finger. She called the FireBurnDoctor team on the urging of her family who had heard of the service from Jeff Rense radio. Her pain was a 4 to 4.5 (on a scale of 0 – 10). Less than two hours later, Ruth reported the pain was “totally gone!”

Then, three days later, on December 16, 2010, Ruth burned her fingers again with the glue gun. This time her pain level was a 6 (on a scale of 0 – 10)

The next day, Ruth emailed her report:  "Last night around 9 pm, I got burned with a hot glue gun, and it was extremely painful, almost to the point where ice barely helps. I called the FireBurnDoctor, and after taking the ice off of my hand, within about 10-15 minutes the pain was completely gone. It was truly incredible, and I slept like a baby. I'm urging all my friends and family to let the BurnDoctor heal any burn anytime!"

Ruth G., California, 12/13/10


Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call or text immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell all!

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