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Sunday, 6 February 2011

Serious burn erased for 2 year old! Paramedic lends phone! Great Mood! No Graft!

Two year old Daniel was severely burned when he tipped boiling hot water onto his face, chest and stomach. Screaming with pain, he was rushed by ambulance to the emergency room. Meanwhile, his mother, who was at work, was informed by a paramedic friend to call the FireBurnDoctor.

With his phone, the mom called and left the information about her son and then hurried over to the hospital to see the boy. When she arrived, the hospital had already given her son morphine. They diagnosed bad second degree burns, applied cream and a dressing and sent the boy home with his mother -- all within two hours! They told the mom to bring Daniel back every day for treatments and get an appointment to see a doctor in 4 days. The hospital took photos of the burn (which the mom said looked "nasty with all the skin peeled off on his chest and tummy"), but they had bandaged the wounds so she couldn't see them to give the FBD team any feedback.

Twenty-four hours later, Daniel's mother talked with the FBD team and said, "He's acting like he's not in as much pain; still really pink; but he's not in as much pain as he should be, so something definitely is happening." She said his pain had been a 10 yesterday, but it was down to 4 or 5. He was in a "good mood when he woke up after the hospital, no, not a good mood, he was in a great mood. Thank you very much!"

On the fourth day, at the appointment the ER had scheduled, the doctor told the mom that they couldn't say if grafting was still necessary and recommended going to a burn specialist. On the 5th day, when the mom changed the bandages on Daniel's wounds, she reported to the FireBurnDoctor team that, "it looked amazingly better", "I don't think skin grafting is needed" "night and day difference" "I'm beyond excited." She said he's relatively calm and sleeping a lot, which is not normal for an autistic kid, curling up on the couch, with his brother or with her. She said she's "so happy - I've been so stressed with this." She also said she's not using the cream any more because it's not needed, but that she puts the bandages on to keep him from scratching at the wound areas.

The mom was amazed, especially since on the night of the burn accident, the hospital told her that "it was certainty of skin grafting," and now she says, "I don't think it will need grafting!" She then asked if she could post the FireBurnDoctor website on her facebook page and was told, "Absolutely, this is your story now, tell everyone, even the media."

    Daniel H., California

Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - www.fireburndoctor.com - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Call as soon as possible, within the first 30 minutes when anyone is burned, Medical Dr Joseph Watson. No interference with the standard medical procedures. Calls take a minute or less. Pain gone in minutes, hyper accelerated healing of skin. 400+ cases now from 43 US states and 24 countries worldwide.

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