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Sunday, 16 January 2011

Rita reported "I was able to do dishes and shower, that evening, in hot water with no pain!"

Rita burned the fingers on her left hand when she grabbed a stove element. Immediately, her pain level was a 10 (on a scale of 0-10) and her ring finger had an inch by quarter-inch white burn where she was expecting to lose the skin. When Rita called FireBurnDoctor, she said, "Thank you, I appreciate whatever you can do." 45 minutes later, she called back to say, "It is looking better... a lot better. Thank you very much, I appreciate it."  

Three days later, Rita emailed: "Dear Fireburn Team, I wish to thank you for the recent treatment I received from you, for a burn on the ring finger of my left hand. You miraculously speed up the healing process and eliminated the pain. I was able to do dishes and shower, that evening, in hot water with no pain! The skin on my hands is thin and it looked like it was burnt clear through. I think without your help the skin would have just come off the burnt area, but instead it has continued to heal at a quick pace and is close to full recovery at this time which is 72 hours past the event. Thank you again...." She also asked how she could learn to do the burn treatment and how she could help!

Rita W., California


Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

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