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Monday, 10 January 2011

Alice describes what happened to her, "amazing given the thinness of the skin inside the wrist"

Alice burned the inside of her wrist with steam while cooking. She had heard about the FireBurnDoctor on the Jeff Rense radio show and called the phone number within 1-2 minutes. When the FBD team called her back to confirm details, she said her pain level had been a 10 (on a scale of 0 to 10), but had already dropped to a 6. Then added, "Actually, its getting better, now it's a 4." An hour later, Alice called again to report: "My burn took place at 6:42, Central Standard Time, about an hour ago. I have no pain now. Only if I..., it's in the folding part where my wrist bends, so it slightly tingles, a little bit, when I bend it...." 

Later, Alice emailed her amazing story: "At approximately 6:42pm, I received a steam burn to the inside area of my left wrist when the lid to my rice pot slid off as I was reaching over it.  Initially, the burn area was approximately 2-1/2" wide by 3" long.  It looked as if blisters were forming along the bend of the wrist.  It was an extremely nauseating and debilitating pain.  I immediately called the Burn Doctor number and left the information they needed and continued on with my kitchen duties as instructed.  Within 4 minutes, the pain reduced from a 10 to a 7 on the pain threshold.  I noticed the red area was diminishing and it looked as if the blisters had ceased to form.  By 6:50pm the pain was down to a 6 and by 7:02 the pain was at a 3.  The affected area was still a little red but had reduced to over half the original size.  By 7:20 I had almost no pain.  Although the area at the bend of the wrist where it looked as if blisters were trying to form now appeared a little lighter than the surrounding area, no blisters formed.  This in itself was amazing given the thinness of the skin inside the wrist.  I am convinced that the call to the Burn Doctor is the reason the burn subsided and the pain ceased.  As long as the Burn Doctor's number is available, I will call it when needed." 

Alice M., Texas, 11/12/10


Free Instant Burn Recovery - 1-818-332-6445 - fireburndoctor@aol.com
Stick the number on your cell phone (under “burns”), on the refrigerator door and in your car; everywhere accessible in an emergency. If you or someone you know is burned call, text or email immediately, within the first 30 minutes. Calls take a minute.  Tell All!

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