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Monday, 28 December 2015

FBD bypasses the overreaction so the body heals itself. 3 more amazing stories, 1300 so far!

  • Jennie was making Christmas decorations when she burned four fingers badly with a hot glue gun. Blisters developed very quickly and when she called the FireBurnDoctor, her pain level was a 9 (on a scale of 0 – 10). After about an hour and a half, Jennie called to report that “... nothing really hurts... I fell asleep...! I'm very happy about that...At this point, I'm a pretty happy camper. Thank you!" 
    Jennie typed (!) and sent her email report just four hours after the burn: "Hello, I wanted to drop a line after the burn accident I had today. I called immediately after the accident. I burnt 4 of my fingers with hot glue. The burns were very painful, and I was literally dancing here while calling. Blisters were about an inch each. The pain I would estimate was 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. After half an hour... I decided to do my daily meditation early. I lied down and after 15 minutes or so fell asleep. So, obviously there wasn't much pain present at that time any more. I woke up after an hour, and had absolutely no pain on my hands. I could still see the blisters, and if I rubbed it it hurt, but other than that there was NO pain. Thank you so much for what ever you did. I am amazed, and very happy. I am back crafting my Christmas ornaments I thought I had to forget this year."
    Jennie A., Illinois, 11/22/10

  • Diane burned her arm on an iron and went to work with a mark and in pain. Her boss knew about the FireBurnDoctor and called, even though the burn had occurred about 2 hours prior. By the time the FBD team called back about 6 minutes later, Diane’s pain was a 5 or 6 (on a scale of 0 – 10). About an hour later, Diane’s boss called again with an update: “Pain free, no chafing or peeling...pretty darn amazing!" He said that Diane’s burn had been "radiating white and red,... that's completely gone, just a well-defined banana-shaped mark remained and absolutely no pain. Thank you."
    A week later, Diane’s boss emailed her report:
    "Greetings from Budapest. This is a testimonial transcribed by [SK] for [DT] concerning her experience with the burn doctor. [Diane] came to work one day with a pretty nasty burn on her arm that she had received while ironing her blouses for work, she showed me and I called the burn doctor for her. He immediately called back and we gave the information needed. At the time [Diane] had a pain of 5 to 6 on a scale of 10 and the burn was very tender, swollen and had white specks on the skin around the edges. The Burn Doctor asked that she continue her day and we should call back in 30 min. We did, and with amazing results: The swelling was gone, the white specks were gone and the tenderness was gone to the point that one could run the entire hand over the burn area with no pain at all. The pain went from a 5 to 6 down to zero in 30 min. Needless to say she was astonished, she had not believed something like this could work and was laughing when I called for her...she has passed this number on to a great many people.  Thank you!"

    Diane T., Budapest, Hungary, 11/24/10

  • Eight-year-old Sarah was helping her mom in the kitchen when grease from the frying pan splattered on her arm, making 3 one-inch spots. 37 minutes later, her mom sent a text message to the FireBurnDoctor giving her daughter's details and requesting help. Sarah’s pain level was a 7 to 8 (on a scale of 0 – 10), and by the time the FBD team called back just 7 minutes later, Sarah’s pain  had already dropped to a 3 to 4.
  • About an hour after Sarah’s mom sent her text, she called to report, "We got the number from my sister who suggested that I call. So, OK, what do I have to lose... I just talked to [Sarah]. It's been an hour since I got off the phone, and she says that it's down to a 2 and she's happy. She's actually outside playing. So whatever you guys are doing, keep doing it. You guys are amazing. Thanks. Bye."
  • Sarah M., Pennsylvania, 11/22/10

RUSH - The Documentary: http://youtu.be/9rZbjJze3wg
All true events, RUSH tells the story of a breakthrough health, life and 
earth-saving technology, abilities that we have now. 
If you can dream it, you can do it.


 Free Instant Burn Recovery  +1-818-332-6445 


Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Radiation, explosions... any burns! and Shingles Virus! +1-818-332-6445

"Significant discrepancy in the usual course of healing (reepithelization) of third degree burns."

Anyone can call in a burn, or even just text a photograph of the burn victim's face to the US number. This is enough information for the DSNB processing - Distant Subliminal Neuro-bypass that works in the first 30 minutes when anyone is burned. 

SAVE +1-818-332-6445 on your phones under "Burns"

Astounding result: Instant Burn Recovery After Explosion for Nine year old boy who received the processing 19 hours after the accident in 1999. 

Case #TG10, was severely burned by a bomb placed in a gopher hole that exploded in his own face. The boy's face was burned from the nose up, with eyebrows burned off and eyes swollen shut. He received SDI processing approximately nineteen hours after the accident. Within four days, his condition was so well improved that he went home the following day, seeing with open eyes, and his forehead looking as if it had been scraped along the sidewalk. The remarkable healing of skin amazed both his parents and the medical staff who took care of him.

Sequence of events #TG10: Nine year old boy (AC).
3/7/99 3pm. Third degree explosion burn to face
3/7/99 8:45 pm. Diagnosed at burn center. Eyebrows gone, eyes swollen shut.
3/8/99 10:00 am. Subliminal processing (SDI)
3/12/99 Doing great. Eyes half open. Forehead looks scraped. All healing. Going home this week.
3/13/99 Went home in 6 days. No grafting.

Excerpt of OUTCOMES of five cases: [Remember that these severe cases in that study that took place under medical and scientific scrutiny in 1999 were processed long after the 30 minute window] "In each of the five cases in the treatment group described... there has been significant discrepancy in the usual course of healing (reepithelization) of third degree burns. According to medical definition, third-degree burns do not heal. In each of the treatment group cases, large sections of the patient's burned skin were diagnosed by one to three medical doctors as third-degree. The records show that over a period of time (ranging from 1 - 5 weeks), most of the third-degree burned areas healed and the children went home with little or no need for grafting." Read here:  https://app.box.com/BurnStudy

RUSH - the Documentary: http://youtu.be/9rZbjJze3wg
Interview with FBD, Dr. Philip Savage: https://youtu.be/WJxw-hSa9rI

Free Instant Burn and Shingles Recovery  
+1-818-332-6445  FireBurnDoctor.com