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Saturday, 31 January 2015

From "I'm going to faint" to "it's magical, breathtaking..."

www.FireBurnDoctor.com At her first call, 6 minutes after the burn, Terri she said she thought she was going to faint and had difficulty breathing after boiling soup exploded onto hand and arm. Her pain was 10 out of 10. 

Her report 11/2 hours later: 'doing great! much better, it looks great, and the blisters are all gone, and it doesn't hurt. I don't know what you did, but it sounds pretty good, magical. Thank you! That's amazing, for someone to do something like this for others. Breathtaking, really. Thank you so much!'    Terri V, 11/10/14

1,200+ cases now from 52 nations world wide! Please make sure everyone you know has the number in case, saved under "Burns". And the FBD team are also taking care of Shingles now!

Free Instant Burn Recovery  +1-818-332-6445   www.FireBurnDoctor.com

Sunday, 25 January 2015

We just had our 1,200th burn case --

www.FireBurnDoctor.com A 7 year old boy who got a 2nd degree friction burn on his buttock from the tire when doing tricks on his bicycle! His pain was at 10 out of 10 at 32 hours from the time of the burn when his mother called FBD, their report next day:
Last night at 1 hour: Zero pain! He was running around after the pain drugs wore off instead of limping even with the drugs. Took bath today and even sat down in the tub. He's doing great! So much better. Thank you!
Free Instant Burn Recovery 1-818-332-6445 www.FireBurnDoctor.com Call immediately when anyone is burned and within 24 hours of a diagnosed Shingles outbreak.

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